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Heart's Medicine Doctor's Oath

2 reviews
21 k downloads

From hospital intern to a psych ward patient: find out what happened

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Heart's Medicine Doctor's Oath is an RPG and time management game that, like other titles from GameHouse (like Amber's Airline or Dr. Cares Family Practice), starts out in the middle of your character's story, to then go back a few months beforehand when everything was fine.

In this case, you start out seeing a woman in a hospital, taking food to a hospital room. Meanwhile, an army of men dressed in special hazmat suits run in the opposite direction. The woman goes into the room of a young woman who seems to be in a catatonic state. This young woman was about to graduate with a medical degree just a few months before. So how did she get here, so far from her original plans? It's then, when you'll be taken back to three months beforehand when the young woman was working as an intern at a hospital, just a few months before graduation. Your job is to help her treat as many patients as possible.

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Here, the gameplay becomes all about time and resource management: the patients arrive and you have to help them as quickly as possible, find out what they need, and charge them before they leave. Meanwhile, you can also get to know your co-workers (who happen to be oddly similar to characters from Grey's Anatomy). Little by little, the story will lead you towards that strange situation that the game showed you at the beginning.

Heart's Medicine Doctor's Oath is another game from GameHouse that serves its purpose: to keep you hooked all the way to the end, as you try to figure out what happened to the main character who had a seemingly perfect life just a few months before.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.4 or higher required

Information about Heart's Medicine Doctor's Oath 49.4

Package Name com.gamehouse.hm4gp
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Casual
Language English
44 more
Author GameHouse
Downloads 20,998
Date Dec 1, 2023
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

xapk 49.1 Android + 7.0 Dec 8, 2022
xapk 49.0.317 Android + 5.0 Sep 9, 2022
xapk 49.0.315 Jun 28, 2022
xapk 49.0.313 May 5, 2022
xapk 48.4.310 Android + 4.4 Jun 2, 2021
xapk 48.0.303 Android + 4.4 Apr 6, 2021

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